Unfortunately many women experience certain vaginal discomfort but don’t examine themselves or are too shy to seek for professional help they need.
Women should stop being embarrassed, and get educated.
Although majority women feel little dry occasionally, if you haven’t hit menopause yet, you shouldn’t feel dryness all the time. Some of the most common causes of vaginal dryness are medication, anxiety, irritants (from soaps, underwear or douching) and hormonal changes.
Itching/ Burning
Irritation and friction cause itching and burning. First you should try to change your underwear or trimming your bikini and the symptoms are still present, you should visit your gynaecologist. It is possible that you are suffering from an STI, a yeast infection, bacterial vaginitis or eczema
Strange Smells
As a matter of fact, vagina has distinctive smell. This odor usually changes after exercising, during your period or after sex. Still, if you notice that it smells like fish, or if smells overly yeasty or just seems abnormal, our advice is to make an appointment at your local clinic. You may have bacterial vaginitis, trichomoniasis or rectovaginal fistula.
Strange – Colored Discharge
With the discharge, the vagina cleans itself and prevents infection. It is important to know that it changes slightly in color through your reproductive cycle and can become brown before and after your period. Keep in mind that alarming colors include yellow/ green, grey/ white or brown (if it’s in the middle of your cycle).
Abnormal Discharge Texture
Cervical mucus is also known as vaginal discharge. It is normal for this discharge to change throughout the reproductive cycle and can serve as an indication of fertility. Cottage cheese – textured discharge is one of the most common symptoms of a yeast infection. Another sign that your body might be fighting an infection is foamy discharge.
Heavy Periods
Medical experts explain that each woman experiences her period on a different way. At the beginning of the period heavy bleeding is normal, but it should subside after a day or two. In case you are bleeding heavily every day of your period, bleeding more than usual or passing along large blood clots, you definitely should talk to your GP. It is possible that you are experiencing menorrhagia or a more serious condition.
Bleeding After Intimacy
Bleeding after sex is never a good sign. In some cases it is sign of insufficient arousal, but it could also be symptom of something much bigger. Common causes of bleeding are infection, vaginal tearing, cervical or endometrial polyps, inflammation or cervical cancer.
Bleeding Between Periods
Very often, early sign of pregnancy is light spotting between periods. But, it also can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, pregnancy complications, uterine polyps, infections or cancer. You should know that this symptom should be taken seriously.
Painful Urination
For women, it is very easy to get a urinary tract infection. It is important to mention that you should pee after sex, drink lots of water, rinse the vulva daily with clean water and avoid douching to keep your pelvic region healthy. In case the symptoms persist for more than few days, you should visit the doctor.
Sores and Lesions
For ladies it is quite difficult to keep tract of what’s going on down there as it’s hard to see. Every time you take shower and clean yourself, you should also check out the skin on your pelvic area and inside your thighs. To do this more easily, you can sit down in front of a mirror and preform a thorough self – exam. If you notice redness, sores and lesions you need to get appropriate treatment before the problem becomes bigger.